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The last two weeks, Josie and I joined the girls’ team serving at a learning center: a supplemental school offering English, Chinese, and computer classes to students. Everyone on the team was paired with an English teacher and served as a teacher’s assistant for the time at the school. For me, this looked like anything from pronouncing English words and letters for the class, to writing things on the board while the teacher taught, to helping keep the class orderly and assisting students during activities, to grading quizzes. We each helped with about 3 1-hour classes spread throughout the day, with a couple hours around noon for a lunch break and rest time.

This school isn’t explicitly a Christian school to my knowledge, but it does operate according to Biblical guidelines and the staff are all believers. And that’s significant. One day while talking with the teacher I was serving with, she told me how the parents in the community trust the teachers here and the “Jesus place” so much that they let their kids come early to the school to hang out – but they normally don’t let kids do that! The level of trust this place and these people have with the local community, who mostly don’t know the Lord, is SUCH a testimony to the power of the Lord in His people. It shows how our ministry and witness, just our lives lived as followers of Christ, can be indirect but still super impactful!

Another aspect of serving with this school was being part of the Sunday church service and youth group held on their premises. Many of the kids from this youth group had gone to the youth camp that some of us helped with a couple weeks ago, and we got to be at a service where they shared testimonies of what God had done in their lives there! I think every one said that, out of everything, their favorite parts were worship and spending dedicated quiet time with the Lord, which was SO powerful to hear. Proof of seeds being planted and fellowship with God being fostered through camp! ❤️

With those two weeks done, we’ve arrived at our LAST week of “official” ministry on the Race. 🤯 Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to bring us all the way to this point! Our whole squad will be visiting and ministering in local villages this week, and even staying out in a village for a couple of nights. Please join us in praying that this time would be fruitful and part of bringing the Kingdom to this area of Cambodia!


One of the afternoon classes I helped with – the classes are based on skill level, not age, so there was a wide variety of ages in this beginner class!


Youth group prep!


Team photo with the staff on our last day at the school ❤️ These special teachers made this place one of our favorite ministries to be part of!


A view of a side street from the second level of the school building


4 responses to “English Teaching in Cambodia”

  1. Prayer Requests!
    – continued health and safety as we lead up to our final days in Asia and travel back to the States soon
    – that we wouldn’t give in to the temptation to “check out early” but rather stay invested and keep pressing in to the Lord in this time and space He’s given us
    – energy, diligence, and zeal for the Gospel that would mark our ministry efforts
    – that we wouldn’t just try to get the most out of the time we have left to serve our flesh (e.g. seeing the sights, trying the food, etc.) but to pursue the Kingdom and bringing it here while we’re still here
    – that we as a squad would use this time together wisely and cherish the opportunities left for us!

  2. you are amazing Becca, grateful for your influence over this last year in so many lives. May God lead you in direct you in your future as to what he would like you to do. Praying for wisdom, courage, and direction.

    • Thank you so much ❤️ It’s been a true honor and privilege to spend this year serving the Lord and His people in the nations. I’m looking forward as well to what He has for the future!

  3. What a way to end strong! I’m glad this was one of your favorite ministries because it will leave you with a really positive finish!. See you in a few days!!