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One thing that has struck me from our time in South Africa is the depth of gratitude that believers have here. Often during visits to gogo centers or women’s ministry meetings, we’ll ask if anyone has a testimony from the week that they want to share. And almost every time, one or more people have shared that they just want to give God praise for being alive to that day. They see that as the biggest, most important testimony that they can share. There is a simplicity of gratitude in their perspective on life that is so beautiful, and in my opinion, so often missed in our busy lives.

As I’ve served and spent time with believers here, so many of them are very humble and so ready to give God glory. I’ve heard several different people on different occasions say that they are “only here by the grace of God” – not because of their own power, abilities, or wisdom. They know at a deep, fundamental level how fully dependent they are on the Lord for every aspect of their lives. These interactions have served as such a potent reminder of how little is owed to us and how much we’ve been given. We deserve so little, and yet because of God’s love for us, we have been given so much. It is His love, His mercy, His compassion that sustains us through each day. We can be grateful for every little thing in life – and when we choose to so be, we get to see God’s goodness that much more in our lives.

So with that, here are a few things that made me smile and be grateful from the past week or so here in SA!


Josie sharing a word with the gogos (grandmothers) and umkhulus (grandfathers) at one of the gogo centers!


A peacock spotting! There are a couple of peacocks that roam the grounds at Lydia’s Mission. It’s a lot of fun to look out the window and see a peacock strutting by!


At one of the gogo centers ❤️


I loved the name of this shop – blessing!


This is a Bible study at the town dump that has been happening for nearly 10 years! Lydia’s Mission was actually born out of the Bible study that started here! It was truly such a sweet time to get to be part of “church at the dump” as it’s called.


Some sweet English/siSwati signs at one of the Hope Centers


“Again 100% God bless SA”. O that God would bless this country with His redemption and restoration indeed!


Catching chickens that had escaped the coop! This was an eventful morning 😆


Meats on the grill at a braai that our hosts put on for us – a traditional South African barbecue, essentially. The meal was spectacular!!


A view of the stunning mountains by Lydia’s Mission


An absolutely gorgeous sunset!!!


7 responses to “Simple Gratitude”

  1. Prayer Requests:
    – for F Squad as we finish our time(s) of ministry in SA in the coming weeks and for all the upcoming travel & transitions
    – continued health and safety
    – for squad leader training this next week or so! That Josie and I would be able to clearly hear the Lord’s voice and learn and understand all we need to from current leadership so that we can best serve and lead this awesome squad
    – that all the details for travel to our next country would be worked out smoothly

  2. How easy it is here to think we are our own from day to day. Our lives are as much by his Grace each moment as theirs but we take it for granted. I have been at two funerals in two weeks so this one is echoing, but thank you for sharing this reminder. <3

    • So true. Thank you for sharing, and my condolences to you ❤️‍🩹

  3. Thank you for the reminder to be grateful to the Lord every day for all of his blessings, big and small!

  4. Question: once the alumni head back to the states will there be mentors/staff or just the squad racers?

    It’s amazing to see how little we actually need and how MUCH we take for granted. Living with open hands and gratitude is something I constantly need to be reminded of. The humility of the people you have met have put Christ into a new and fuller perspective ♥️

    • Amen! Me too!
      When the alumni go back we’ll still have contact with our mentor and coaches in the States, but Josie and I will be the leadership for the squad on the field. So it’ll just be the racers of F Squad 😊 crazy but exciting!