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Another country down, another ministry said farewell to… here are some things I’ve learned from our time in Swaziland!

  • God listens to our prayers and answers them. I already knew this, of course, but the Lord let me experience it in new ways during this time of ministry – from the changing of my own heart posture to people being saved!
  • Doing laundry by hand is an art form (and requires a lot more arm and hand strength than I initially realized)
  • You can bake a full-sized cake in a toaster oven
  • Kids are simply unpredictable
  • Kids ministry is unpredictable, even when you think you have a plan
  • Kids ministry gets sweeter & more impactful the more you press in to it
  • The more we pray, the more we see answers to prayer
  • Not having to move all of your belongings to a different location every week is a wonderful thing
  • Living in community is hard and good
  • Late night worship parties are the best kind of parties!
  • Small acts in faith can have big consequences
  • Watching geckos hunt moths to eat on the ceiling is riveting entertainment when you’re in a house without wifi 😂
  • When we are open to the Lord’s leading, He very much puts us in the exact places He wants us to make an impact for His Kingdom. The more we walk in the Spirit, the more testimony we have of His goodness and grace, and the stronger the desire becomes for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done!
  • Black Cat peanut butter is amazing. IYKYK.
  • Sometimes just being present – not even talking, just sitting together – is enough to show God’s love to someone
  • When God puts an idea on our hearts, the followthrough of that idea can lead to bigger impact than we ever could have imagined
  • WiFi access is a gift
  • Long bus/car/van rides are a prime time to worship and pray!
  • Any time you don’t know what to do, prayer is a great option
  • No matter where you are in the world, God is the same, Jesus paid the same price, and the Church is filled with the same Holy Spirit – and it’s a beautiful thing
  • Sharing meals opens doors to deeper relationships
  • You can’t really get tired of chili
  • It is a precious thing for a child to trust you enough to share things with you and listen to you
  • The Lord can make strangers into friends more easily than you’d ever think!
  • Cooking for 13 people is its own challenge 😂
  • Chicken polony is wild
  • Anywhere we go, if it’s with the Lord, it can become home
  • There’s always more to learn!

Also! If you want to see the kids we served/played with/talked with/etc. during our time in Eswatini and/or consider sponsoring a child, here’s the link for the exact carepoint we were at:

Some photo highlights!


Most of us girls and one of our ministry hosts at the carepoint!


Waiting for the van to ride to the carepoint


A traditional Swazi dinner we got to share with the family whose homestead we got to stay at during our time here!


Mantenga Falls – a waterfall we got to hike to on one of our off days. God’s creation is beautiful.


Psalm 23 in siSwati!


Driving home after our last day of ministry


Squad church in the gazebo on the homestead. The stars in Eswatini are stunning!


Sunset over the mountains that we got to see at dinner with our hosts


The Swazi flag!

Now on to South Africa…!

19 responses to “Things I’ve Learned in Eswatini”

  1. Prayer Requests!

    – for quick adjustment to our next ministry in South Africa for the girls and ministry in Lesotho for the guys – our squad is split by gender for the next month and so will be at two different ministries in two different countries!
    – for continued health and safety of our squad
    – that we would quickly have eyes to see & willing hearts to the ways we can plug into our next ministries and be part of sharing the Gospel & the Kingdom!

    • Bekah! I Love hearing how the Lord is showing you that the different peoples of the world are one in Christ! Love to hear your humor and happy you continue to have joy as you’re serving the Lord with all your heart! Praying for the next leg of the journey and for your continued protection! ❤️
      In Christ’s Love, Teri

      • 🥹 thank you so much for your sweet words and your prayers! ❤️

  2. What a wonderful journey you are on Rebekah!! Praying for you and your squad as you prepare for another new chapter in His name!🙏🩷

  3. I am filled with both amazement and admiration while reading the list of things you learned while in Eswatini. What an adventure you are on……..
    My prayers for you are for health and safety of your entire squad as you continue to spread God’s word. May God Bless all of you sharing this journey………

    • It’s an adventure indeed, and a blessing from the Lord to be part of it! Thank you so much!! ❤️

  4. Why is your squad being split by gender? What does “IYKYK” mean or stand for? I will continue praying for you and your squad

    • Our squad will approach ministry in different ways throughout our time in different countries as leadership sees fit! We went from being in two teams, to all-squad, to gender division, and next will likely be different teams again – just to connect with each other in different ways/settings and grow in new contexts!
      IYKYK stands for “if you know, you know” 😁
      Thank you for your prayers! ❤️

  5. Dear Rebekah,
    I am encouraged by all the things you’ve learned . It reminded me of God’s truths and how personal and real He can be in a person’s life. Keep the faith. I am so proud of you!

  6. Keep up the good work our God is awesome and may our Jesus continue to bless you as you serve Him!

    Ministering to the children will continue to bear fruit with a widespread influence in families and your squad❤️

  7. I love the details you give in your updates. I can picture you lying in bed watching geckos chasing moths. : ) I can glimpse the beautiful work God is doing in your heart and the valuable lessons you are learning that will serve you for the rest of your life. I look forward to hearing you share when you come home. Praying for you!

    • Wow, this is such a sweet message! Thank you for your words and your prayers ❤️

  8. God’s richest blessings as you continue on this mission adventure, Bekah. Love hearing your updates. It’s amazing what can be learned on a trip like this if your eyes, ears, and heart are open to be teachable. Continued prayers for safety and fruit on your labors. Never forget God is before you, behind you, and beside you as you press on! ❤️

    • Wow, thank you for your kindness and encouragement! Grateful for that truth and your prayers! ❤️