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Our time in South Africa has been a unique season, different than any other country so far. In my experience in particular, it was extra different since half the time was spent at “regular ministry” and half was in leadership training and debrief! This made this particular country a whirlwind, but also a place of deep reflection and growth. And now as we leave SA, we’re officially halfway through the Race already!!

With that in mind, here are some things I’ve learned in South Africa!

  • luxury and poverty can exist in much closer proximity than you realize
  • sometimes hunger for God is found in the most unlikely places
  • age does not determine wisdom (though it certainly can have a big impact)
  • the Lord can do more than you could ever ask, think or imagine if you’re just obedient! (for a pertinent example, this tells a bit of the incredible story of the ministry we served with in SA:
  • worship is critical to keep our eyes always on the King
  • sometimes, having nicer amenities can actually be detrimental and distracting to the focus you’d otherwise have
  • “ministry is life, life is ministry” only works if you actively live your life with purpose and strive to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in every moment – otherwise it just turns into you justifying living your life for yourself
  • South African winters are COLD
  • rooibos tea is delightful
  • if we’re not focused on the Lord, we’re not focused at all
  • conviction can come at times you don’t expect but be completely spot on – we need to be aware enough to acknowledge it for it to be effective, though!
  • You’ll only get out what you put in. Your investment in whatever it is – an event, a position, a season of life – determines so much of what will come of it and what you’ll receive.
  • just handing someone a flower can touch someone deeply and open their hearts to a conversation
  • sweet chili sauce is good on nearly anything
  • deep kindness and deep pain can coexist
  • cross-continent friendships are hard but also so sweet
  • friends that are like family can be found anywhere – and what a blessing that is!
  • leadership is challenging in many, MANY ways
  • sometimes we don’t recognize God’s grace to us because we expect it to look a certain way or conform to our expectations of how it should appear in our lives – but it doesn’t make that grace any less amazing

Vietnam and Southeast Asia in general is going to be so different than anything we’ve experienced yet. Our whole squad is so excited to get the opportunity to step into and serve in these new contexts!! Thank you again for all your support thus far, and please pray for us as we head into this new chapter of the Race! ❤️

Look close for a sweet reminder!


F Squad’s alumni squad leaders and raised ups on our last night of training together ❤️


A cool church we got to visit during training that had a huge heart for the surf community!

13 responses to “Things I’ve Learned in South Africa”

  1. Prayer Requests!
    – for safe, smooth travels from South Africa to Vietnam!!!
    – mental, physical, and especially spiritual protection as we head into a vastly different, more intense spiritual atmosphere
    – unity and total pursuit of the Lord, that we may not get distracted from the purpose He has set before us
    – open hearts and minds to adapt to the new culture and language and be able to jump right into ministry!

    • Prayers always! We love you and are so proud of your hard work, dedication, determination and love for the Lord! May God continue to bless you in your travels and work!

      • Thank you so so much! I really appreciate your prayers and support! 🥹❤️

  2. Praying in agreement for the above requests. It sounds like it’s been an amazing experience so far. I love how you & your team are spending God’s love to the nations. God be with you as you travel & strength for the next half of your journey. ❤️

    • Thank you so much!! ❤️ It has been an incredible journey and there’s still so much yet to come. The Lord is so good to us!

  3. Oh Bekah, you are such an inspiration to me. Watching your journey is so so amazing

    • 🥹🫶 right back at you! Thank you for following the Lord’s leading in your life so courageously and encouraging me to do the same!

  4. Praying in agreement with your prayer requests. Just LOVE your reflections each time you post! They are so insightful……What an experience you are having, Rebekah! Just know that God is watching over you and your squad, and keeping you safe for doing HIS work. May God Bess You in all your endeavors…..

  5. Love these reflections, Bekah! You are learning so much. This experience will shape you for a lifetime. Prayers sent as you transition to Vietnam!

    • Thank you so much! It’s been challenging but so incredible to learn, serve and grow out in the nations during this special season of life on the Race, that’s for sure!

  6. I love reading about things you have learned in the country – they are short, sweet and very impactful! ““ministry is life, life is ministry” only works if you actively live your life with purpose and strive to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in every moment – otherwise it just turns into you justifying living your life for yourself” — so true!
    “deep kindness and deep pain can coexist”- yes! my childhood taught me to focus on the negative and ignore the positive. It’s important to acknowledge both that can be happening at the same time! Our world tends naturally towards the negative.
    I read your June blogs but the ability to comment on them was closed. I loved reading what you learned in eSwatini too! …and I always love the pictures!